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12.10.2009 00:59 - Най-алергизиращите растения
Автор: apollon Категория: Изкуство   
Прочетен: 5095 Коментари: 2 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 13.10.2009 00:17

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg
Най-алергизиращите растения притежават поленови зърна, които лесно освобождават от себе си растителни белтъци, заради наличието на пори със широки отвори и имат гладка повърхност, която дава възможност за максимална адхезия  към влажните лигавици на организма. Това води до мощно и бързо възпаление известно като  алергичен ринит с внезапно появила се хрема след инхалация на цветен аромат от някои растения.
Цикория- поленово зърно

Обикновена маргаритка - поленови зърна
Поленови зърна на голяма маргаритка
Едни от най-силно алергичните растения са бъзът и орловия нокът.
Белият равнец, лайката и още много сложноцветни са също мощи алергени
Щирът произвежда изключително алегизиращ полен, тъй като поленовите зърна са малки по размери- 18-30 микрометра, лесно адхезивни и със знаааааачително количество поре - от 30-до 60 пори на повърхностна, често и повече.

Един от най-мощните алергени - липата:

Пелинът също е силен алерген:
image imageimage

Chenopodium album- pollen grain
И ето едно от най-алергизиращите растения - орлов нокът -

image image


Pollen from Olea, Quercus, Artemisia and a chenopod, viewed by confocal microscopy.

Босилек - поленово зърно

Жълтия кантарион -полен
Поленово зърно след мацерация, навлажняване

Прорастването е свързано с освобождаване на големи количества растителен белтък
Улстраструктура на поленовата екзина при Anthemis -подрумиче

imageПолен от хризантема
imageПолен от Convolvulus arvensis

Fig. 1Photomicrograph ofCannabis (cannabis). These pollen grains are often found associated with hashish (cannabis oil and resin), in soils close to groves of flowering cannabis, and on the clothes of people cultivating cannabis plants. X 1000.
Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of Artemisia (sage brush). The pollen grains are often found associated with imported hashish. X 1000.
Fig. 3. Photomicrograph of Impatiens (balsam or water fuchsia). These pollen types suggest a tropical or northern hemisphere source for imported drugs. X1000.
Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of Foeniculum (fennel). A pollen type found regularly in forensic palynological samples. X 1000.
Fig. 5. Photomicrograph of Salix (willow). A pollen type found regularly in forensic palynological samples. X 1000.
Fig. 6. Photomicrograph of Ribes (gooseberry). These pollen types were found in surface samples around and underneath a body, but were not found on mud on top of the body. This, along with other evidence, proved that the mud on the body came from some other source, and that the body, along with the mud, had been taken to the site after death. X 1000.
Fig. 7. Photomicrograph of Alnus (alder). These pollen types are often found in drugs and other items imported from the northern hemisphere. X 1000.
Fig. 8. Photomicrograph of Eucalyptus (eucalypt). These pollen types are very common in forensic samples. X 1000.
Fig. 9. Photomicrograph of Acacia (wattle). These pollen types are thought to disperse only short distances from the parent plant. Therefore their presence in forensic palynological samples indicates that the tree occurs close by the source of the samples. Such evidence can assist towards sourcing items to particular sites, and this pollen type, along with other evidence, assisted in sourcing the stolen deer velvet to Ohinepaka Station. X 1000.
Fig. 10. Photomicrograph of Juglans (walnut). These pollen types have assisted towards sourcing forensic palynological samples by suggesting that sites lacking in walnut trees could not have been the source. This, along with other evidence, assisted in sourcing the stolen deer velvet to Ohinepaka Station. X 1000.
Пелинът и елшата са силни алергизиращи алергени в Северната земна хемисфера.
Порите в хеноподиевите растенията дават сериозна възможност за съприкосновение на висшите възпремчиви организми с растителните белтъци


However, once more into the breach…

Today’s science post swooshes, with a dramatic, Hollywood CGI flourish, from the massive stars burning hot in the depths of space to the realm of the very small: tree pollen. As I type these words my eyes are running, my body aches, my nose noisily expresses displeasure and other parts quietly marvel at the overall disintegration of my (fragile, oh so fragile) sense of well being.


Hay fever is the cause.

But what is hay fever?

Off we go to Wikipedia, my new god (the old one, Landru, having failed me for the final time):


Allergies are caused by an oversensitive immune system, leading to a misdirected immune response. The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses. Allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to substances (allergens) that are generally harmless and in most people do not cause an immune response.

As noted above, hay fever involves an allergic reaction to pollen. A virtually identical reaction occurs with allergy to mold, animal dander, dust, and similar inhaled allergens. Particulate matter in polluted air and chemicals such as chlorine and detergents, which can normally be tolerated, can greatly aggravate the condition.

The pollens that cause hay fever vary from person to person and from region to region; generally speaking, the tiny, hardly visible pollens of wind-pollinated plants are the predominant culprits. Pollens of insect-pollinated plants are too large to remain airborne and pose no risk. Examples of plants commonly responsible for hay fever include:

* Trees: such as birch (Betula), alder (Alnus), hazel (Corylus), hornbeam (Carpinus), horse chestnut (Aesculus), willow (Salix), poplar (Populus), plane (Platanus), linden/lime (Tilia) and olive (Olea). In northern latitudes birch is considered to be the most important allergenic tree pollen, with an estimated 15-20% of hay fever sufferers sensitive to birch pollen grains. Olive pollen is more important in Mediterranean regions.

* Grasses (Family Poaceae): especially rye (Lolium sp.) and timothy (Phleum pratense). An estimated 90% of hay fever sufferers are allergic to grass pollen.

* Weeds:ragweed (Ambrosia), plantain (Plantago), nettle/parietaria (Urticaceae), mugwort (Artemisia), Fat hen (Chenopodium) and sorrel/dock (Rumex)

In addition to individual sensitivity and geographic differences in local plant populations, the amount of pollen in the air can be a factor in whether hay fever symptoms develop. Hot, dry, windy days are more likely to have increased amounts of pollen in the air than cool, damp, rainy days when most pollen is washed to the ground.



Betula - полен от бреза


1. анонимен - Shamans
12.10.2009 10:08
Само не разбрах към какво са алергични тия растения?
2. apollon - те не са алергични :) сещай се
12.10.2009 10:09
те не са алергични :)
сещай се

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